What’s in Your Well Water? Here’s How to Remove It, and Why You Should
December 20, 2021 9:38 pm Leave your thoughtsDo you know what’s lurking in your well water? If you rely on wells for running water in your home or business, you’re undoubtedly aware that they can contain contaminants and other harmful substances, like arsenic, bacteria, lead, mercury, radon, chromium 6 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
If you don’t want to drink it, you’ll need a water treatment system to get rid of it. Before you call your water well service and repair contractors, read on to learn more about well water contaminants and treatment systems.
What’s in your water?
Well water comes from the groundwater supply. Underneath layers of soil and bedrock, water runs underneath the surface of the earth. Drilling a well deep enough allows us to access that water for drinking, cooking, doing dishes and taking care of hygiene needs.
Unfortunately, not every groundwater supply is as pure as the driven snow. Well water can be affected by contamination, whether it already exists in the groundwater supply or if a storm has disrupted the water table and created problems. Many of these contaminants are naturally occurring, like lead and arsenic, but natural doesn’t always mean it’s safe to drink.
Arsenic, bacteria, lead, mercury, radon, chromium 6 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are all common in well water, depending on your specific location. It’s important that you get your well water tested regularly. Not only will you have up-to-date information about your well water content, but the standards for what’s safe to drink change over time. Your water may have been safe a year ago, but new standards could mean that it now has unsafe levels of VOCs.
It’s in your best interest to keep up with environmental standards to protect your health—no one wants an arsenic-and-lead beverage with dinner. Plus, contaminated water often smells and tastes bad and can corrode your plumbing.
How to remove contaminants
Now that you know why it’s so important to test your water, you might wonder how to address the issue. If you find that your well water contains harmful substances, consider installing a whole-house water filtration and/or purification system.
Water filtration systems use various types of filters to get rid of certain types of contaminants, like minerals and debris. Filters alone can’t kill bacteria and pathogens, however. If your water tested positive for harmful bacteria, you’ll need a purification system as well. Ultrafiltration systems remove 99 percent of bacteria, viruses and other unhealthy pathogens.
By installing a whole-house filtration and purification system, you can rest assured that the water in your home is safe to drink, cook with, bathe in and use to wash dishes and laundry. Plus, your plumbing won’t be exposed to mineral buildup and the corrosive effects of lead.
For water well service and repair, including water testing and purification, filtration and softening systems, get in touch with the team at Love Well & Pump Supply, LLC today. We can help you find the right system for your home, so you’ll always have clean, safe water.
Categorised in: Well Water Testing
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